Privacy Policy

When you visit our website,, 我们会自动收集和存储以下概述的信息,以便我们可以跟踪我们网站的使用情况,以便进行改进. This information is stored and used in aggregate only, and is not used to identify or contact you personally.

Information gathered includes:

  • The IP address from which you access our website
  • 您访问Internet的域名(例如,google).com, if you are connecting from a gmail account)
  • The type of browser and operating system used to access our website
  • The date and time you access our site
  • The pages, files, documents, and links that you visit
  • 您链接到我们网站的网址

赌博合法的国家已经实施了保护其信息技术资产完整性的程序, including authentication, authorization, monitoring, auditing, and encryption. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of our site. 我们有适当的安全措施来防止损失, 滥用或更改我们在本网站向您收集的信息.


In addition to the information described above, we may also collect cookies, 哪些是您访问的网站发送给浏览器的小块信息. Cookies are used to track usage patterns, traffic trends, and customer behavior, as well as to record other information from the website. When you register on the website, cookie还允许我们保存信息,以便您下次访问时不必重新输入. 许多内容调整和客户服务改进都是基于来自cookie的数据进行的. 我们从cookie中收集的信息不会用于创建用户的配置文件,而只会以汇总形式使用.

您可以将您的浏览器设置为拒绝您访问的任何赌博合法的国家网站的cookie. If you choose to refuse cookies, you may still gain access to most of the college’s website, 但是,您可能无法利用所提供的某些交互元素.

Personal information

辛辛那提州立技术和社区学院不会收集访问者的个人信息,除非他们选择向我们提供这些信息. If you do provide personal information, Cincinnati State does not sell, exchange, or release it to parties outside the college without your consent. 一旦我们获得您的同意,我们认为它有效,直到您撤销.赌博合法的国家网站只会收集您自愿提供的个人信息, for example, sending emails; completing membership forms; registering for classes, events, or other programs; responding to surveys; or ordering merchandise. If you provide us with personal information, we will normally respond to your inquiry, request, or order. 我们也可能与您联系,提供有关大学活动的信息, programs, membership and development opportunities, and special events that may interest you.


  • We have your consent to share the information
  • 我们需要分享您的信息以提供您所要求的服务或产品
  • 我们需要将您的信息发送给代表赌博合法的国家为您提供服务或产品的公司
  • 我们需要对传票、法院命令或其他法律程序作出回应
  • 我们认为有必要保护和捍卫赌博合法的国家的合法权利和/或财产


外部链接的隐私做法,我们不控制,可在整个赌博合法的国家的网站为您提供方便. Once you leave Cincinnati State’s website via such a link, you are no longer subject to our privacy practices. 辛辛那提州立技术和社区学院不对非辛辛那提州立网站的隐私做法或内容负责, 这些链接不代表对非赌博合法的国家网站或内容的认可.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

1974年的《赌博合法的国家》(FERPA)对未经学生同意的信息发布施加了额外的限制. In accordance with this law, 赌博合法的国家指定了以下“目录”信息,可以在没有学生书面同意的情况下发布:

  • Name
  • Program
  • Dates of Attendance
  • 获得的学位和奖项(包括毕业日期和专业)
  • Most recent previous educational agency or institution attended
  • Enrollment status, including date(s) of change(s) in status
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight and height of members of intercollegiate athletic teams

All other personal information in considered confidential and will be released to persons or agencies outside the College only with written consent from the student; as otherwise required by law; or to Cincinnati State’s academic partners under specific circumstances. Students have the right to withold directory information from the public; such action requires that a written request be filed with the Office of the Registrar.

Photographs, Video

赌博合法的国家校园的学生和访客的照片和电影在整个学年中都是常规拍摄的,以提供信息, promotional and recruitment purposes. 不希望被包括在此类图像中的学生应联系营销和传播部门, 如果他们在这些活动的附近,让摄影师知道他们的愿望.


由于法律的变化,辛辛那提州立技术和社区学院可能需要修改其隐私声明, in technology, in Cincinnati State’s business, or in its attempts to serve your needs better. 我们将尽一切努力及时沟通我们的隐私声明的任何变化. From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy notice. 如果我们的信息实践在未来的某个时候发生变化,我们将在我们的网站上发布政策变化,以通知您这些变化,并为您提供选择退出这些新用途的能力. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should check back at our website periodically. 我们将仅使用从政策变更之日起收集的数据用于这些新目的.


如果您对本隐私声明或本网站的操作有疑问, or if you have any comments or suggestions for our website, please contact us.